FFmpeg スタビライザー -vf オプション
基本の例 ffmpegヘルプから
ffmpeg -i input -vf vidstabdetect=shakiness=5:show=1 dummy.avi
ffmpeg -i input -vf vidstabdetect=show=1 dummy.avi
[ve1f8] Fieldsize: 112, Maximal translation: 154 pixel
[ve1f8] Number of used measurement fields: 65 out of 65
[ve1f8] Fieldsize: 32, Maximal translation: 32 pixel
[ve1f8] Number of used measurement fields: 392 out of 392
[P002524782ad40] Video stabilization settings (pass 1/2):
[P002524782ad40] shakiness = 5
[P002524782ad40] accuracy = 15
[P002524782ad40] stepsize = 6
[P002524782ad40] mincontrast = 0.250000
[P002524782ad40] tripod = 0
[P002524782ad40] show = 0
[P002524782ad40] result = transforms.trf
ffmpeg -i i.mp4 -c:v hevc_qsv -vf vidstabdetect=shakiness=5:show=1 o.mp4
ffmpeg -i i.mp4 -c:v hevc_qsv -b:v 15984K -vf vidstabdetect o.mp4
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